Sunday 4 December 2011

This is our new home. We arrived about 3 pm yesterday and the missionaries helped unpack the van. What a lot of stuff we brought. Our furnace went out last night so we are chilly. three things I am thankful for , that I brought a heating pad, wheat bag and sleeping bag.

The church looking from our front door. We went to church this morning. There were about 60 members there which I guess is a real good attendance. About ten were white and the rest native. They gave us a warm welcome and assured us we are needed. Its all rather overwheming. What we accomplished today- found out how to use the church's Y5 so we can update our blog, got in contact with the FM so they are coming tomorrow to fix the furnace, elders told us where to buy beef that was less expensive than here(which is two hours away). Here most of the meat is mutton and it looks like the critter was rather old and thin when butchered.
The young elders were just here and we were going to go over some things with them but they got a phone call that they were late for an appiontment they didn't know they had.
Love and miss you all


  1. we love hearing all about how everything is going! thanks for posting! we hope your furnace kicks in soon.

  2. At least you have snow so you wont get home sick

  3. Not much firewood around there either.
