Saturday 10 December 2011

Christmas Decor

We survived week number 1, only about 70 more to go. We now have heat and lights. Our furnace quit for three days and the power was off for one but everything has been working for 3 days now so we are warm and happy. The up side of this is we left and spent a day in Gallup where we were able to buy real food and stock up on a few necessities like knee socks and leggings.
The picture above shows our living room all decorated for Christmas. I found a fake poinsettia and a small nativity scene in the closet so that will do for this year.
The young Elders have taken us on a several adventures showing us where members live and we visited some. Elder Lybbert and I have ventured out on our own also and found a few at home. Last night we went with the Elders to Henry and Salina Whitehairs for supper and had a nice time.
When we go to the post office or store(which includes a pizza place and subway) people are very friendly when they see our name tags. These are the only businesses in town except for a service station and car wash.
The weather was below freezing the first few days we were here so we did a lot of shivering with no furnace but the snow has now melted and its been warm and sunny.
We love you all and just a reminder our phone number is 435-879-1871. We have unlimited minutes afer 8 pm and on week ends but if you can't phone then phone anyway.


  1. Counting the weeks eh? I have been there and done that :-)
    A degree or 2 below zero? Sounds like my hike with Jim in June :-)

    Sounds like you are doing okay though :-D

  2. I see the perfect reading place on that couch with a blanket draped over the heat register to capture all the warmth. Glad to hear you are settling in and staying warm!
