Friday 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas

To continue where we left off last posting. Our first experience at zone conference was good. We met our mission president, Pres. Jones and Sis. Jones. They both spoke about Christmas and we had some video clips and music that helped us get into the Christmas spirit.

After lunch there was a white elephant gift exchange. It was fun to watch the young elders opening the gifts. The most popular gifts were toys and food. We have really gained a love and appreciation for all these young men serving missions. You could not find greater young people anywhere and the work they accomplish is amazing. They have so much enthusiasm and energy. But then giving a 20 year old a four wheel drive truck and lots of muddy roads what could be more fun.

We had a great time shopping and finally get stocked up on food. They had a Sam’s Club in Flagstaff which is about the same as Costco. I also bought an Audubon field guide for this area so I kind learn about the bird, animal and plant life here. I have now identified a bird that was sitting on our tree as a Cassin’s finch.

The roads are finally drying up so we spend the afternoon visiting member’s. They certainly live in poor conditions which is heart wrenching, we had the opportunity to watch Victor weaving a Navajo rug, which was very interesting, what a thing of beauty.  Victor was active in the church until he was nineteen years old, He had received a scholarship to BYU for graphic art and had just received a mission call to Japan, Some of his friends or peers (friends don’t do that) got him to take some drugs. He is an Elder in the priesthood and has talent that could have taken him anywhere he wished to go. He has a strong desire to straighten is life out and return to church activity. The effects of alcohol and drugs have weakened his mind and body so much that he will have a real struggle. He has gone through the addiction program once and we will teach him again in a month or so. He seems to have a real desire to straighten out his life, with all of his problems he has a nice spirit about him and does beautiful weaving.

Most of the people that we visited today live along way out on a ungraded dirt road and have no transportation plus if it rains it challenges even the young missionaries with there 4X4’s

We wish you all a very merry Christmas. The Saviors birth was the most wonderful event in the history of the world. The next most amazing event was when he was resurrected and paved the way for all of us to have eternal life. May we all remember and celebrate Jesus’s birth and do our best to live his teachings.

Love you all,

Elder and Sister Lybbert

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