Sunday 17 June 2012

Walnut Canyon

                                                          FLOWER OF THE WEEK
These yellow bushes were abundant in the canyon. They are Desert Barberry and the berries are edible and used for many different recipes.
On our way to Flagstaff last week we saw a sign saying Walnut Canyon so we stopped to explore. There was a visitors center telling about the history of the native people who lived in the canyon hundreds of years ago. Looking across the canyon at the long dark gaps can be seen ruins of dwellings. Its a steep cliff so amazing how they would get down there and how they prevented their kids from falling off the cliff. Its called walnut Canyon because of the Arizona Black walnut trees that grow there.
There were steps going down 180 feet and then a mile of trail down to these ruins.  They built a wall at the front of the overhang and partitions to divide the rooms. I'm holding my skirt because it was windy. I thought leaving Pinon might mean that we would be out of  the wind but not so.

Some of the walls have been reconstructed to show how they would have been. It has been interesting learning the different ways the people lived. The cliffs would have been cool in summer, easy to heat in the winter although there was nowhere for a chimney to let the smoke out, and good protection from their enemies.

                                                               Mya and her parents

This week we have had most of our appointments fall through but we did have a couple of good lessons. We did have 52 members and investigators out to church last week which was more than usual. Four of our bellagona(white) teachers have moved on so most everyone at church were Navajo. Within the next month we will find out who is moving in. They have a big turnover of teachers at the school here. Saturday was the baptism of one of the primary children so that was a fun day. It was interesting when I was asked to lead the music since I hadn't done it before. The first song was okay since it was I Am a Child of God but the last song I had never heard before. We were all invited to the Utes home afterwards for hamburgers and hotdogs with the trimmings. Great people!

Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert

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