Saturday 30 June 2012

Random Rez

                                                           FLOWER OF THE WEEK
We stopped to take a picture of the thistle and this Lesser Goldfinch posed for us.  Niger seed is a favorite food of goldfinch.

We saw this Turkey Vulture along side the road . A rather ugly but unique bird.
This picture may not look to unusual to many of you but for us it was amazing. Even though the roads are rough, deep washboards and sand traps this was the first time we have seen a grader actually working on a road in six months.

One day we came over a hill to see windrows. My first thought was hay but on a closer look it was where they had cleared the sage brush in rows and I assume tried planting grass in between.

                                                            GARDEN UPDATE
The gardens are growing. We planted corn in stages so we should have corn longer. This picture was taken on June 27 and the one below three days later.  Corn grows fast on these hot days.
In the front are the peas, carrots, beets and swiss chard. In one of the gardens we visited this week they were eating zucchini. Our zucchini  won't be ready for a couple of weeks.

As you can see we had a baptism this week. Elder Lybbert and I were invited to come and teach the Begay family about six months ago. We have enjoyed getting to know them. A few weeks ago  several of the children expressed a desire to be baptized so we had the young Elders start getting them ready. Monday evening Tatyanna asked if she could be baptized on her birthday which was Saturday. The Elders were able to get things arranged and here they are.

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