Saturday 5 May 2012

Turtle Doves

Bird of the week

We are enjoying the birds who visit us and enjoy our free handouts. These turtledoves or ring necked were very nervous at first but now they are feeling quite at home. They are not native to Arizona but were introduced from Africa.

                                                       FLOWER OF THE WEEK
We took the tiller out to Blue Gap so brother Tulley could till a garden for his mother. While the men were gardening I went on a walk over the hill and saw a variety of pretty little flowers.

This is Brother Tulley and his mother, a delightful lady who speaks very little English.  We were invited  to have lunch with them that her care giver had fixed. It was hamberger sausage baked in a pan, potatoes, gravy, peas, and tortillas. Very good. Brother Tulley said that every morning his mother is out with her sheep singing and talking to them. The Navajo Shimas have a great love for their sheep.

This is a somewhat common occasion at our trailer. The Elders finding a cookie in the freezer and a can of diet pop( known as unleaded, low octane pop) in the frig. Elder G from Idaho has been with us almost four months and Elder A from Hawaii three weeks,

This week has a lot of ups and downs. We have driven over  back roads that are going down into washes or up out of washes, over hills, down valleys. on gravelled roads that have wash board high enough there is an up and down to it.
We have also had some ups in our missionary labours.  A little girl in a family we teach has been practicing to say a prayer and was able to have the courage to do it this week. The down was that our friend Victor passed away on Thursday from liver disease. He has spent the last few months in and out of the hospital and it has been very difficult for him. The past few weeks he spent in Flagstaff. His family have no reliable transportation so could not go see him but were able to be with him the last few hours. Every evening the family have what we would call an open house for people to come and eat and visit and donate money to help with the expenses. The funeral is on Monday. It is also our mission temple day at Snowflake that we were looking forward to but we will go to the temple another day.

Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert


  1. Those doves might also be the Eurasian collared dove. I have observed them in Cardston, Raymond and Medicine Hat so it wouldn't surprise me if you have some in Magrath as well.

  2. Thats my little brother.... Hes kind of a stud!!! :) (Elder G.) Feel free to keep posting pics of him! He never sends us any....
