Saturday 12 May 2012


                                                        FLOWER OF THE WEEK

                                                          WHIPPLE CHOLLA CACTUS
This cactus is found most everywhere here. In years gone by it has been a food source for the native people. They would eat the blossom ends and the roots.

This cactus is now held sacred by the traditional native people and they use it in some of their ceremonies. Some believe that if they destroy it they will get sores inside and outside of their body. It has thorns over an inch long and they grab you if you get close so I call it just plain dangerous.
One of the Navajos wanted his garden on this spot but was unable to put it here because according to his culture he could not dig out the cactus. We offered the Elders assistance for the purpose  and with Elder Lybberts supervision and their enthusiasm and strength within ten minutes it was gone. They did break a shovel handle in the process but it was their own.
                                                       Heilly at the family burial ground
On Monday was the funeral for our friend Victor. This was preceeded by family and friends gathering at the Clark home every evening. Everyone brought food, visited and ate. When leaving they put money in the donation jar.  Victor went out in style with the best of both worlds. A new black suit, string tie, Navajo blanket rapped around him, turquoise bracelet, bandanna, little bags of something tucked around him, painted face, and a new wallet with cash in it.
This  is Victors niece, Heilly.  She sang a Navajo song called 'Donkey' at the funeral. After the burial they had a family dinner we were invited to so it was quite a day. I tasted Navajo mutton stew for the first time, note tasted. I would have to be very hungry before venturing further.

We had another funeral of a 15 year old on Thursday. He was in a car accident with three other 15 year olds and the car went out of control. Very hard on the family. We really hope this is the end of funerals for awhile.
Helped with another garden this week and find I can still use a shovel but was played out the rest of the day.
This morning we had an early start to the day with knocking on the door at 4:45. A couple had been here last night rather drunk but were taken to his mothers because the wife was not well. They got in an argument and the wife, Sandy, left and spent the night by the church on the cement(a cool 4 C) We took her to Chinle hospital 45 min. away and left her in emergency since we were not allowed to be with her anyway. Haven't heard how she is.
Our daughter Kyla and family are arriving today so we are excited.
Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite things to do when I lived in Medicine Hat was to give people a taste of Prickly Pear Cactus. I even tried cooking some once.
    A wallet with cash in it? Wouldn't be better to write the fellow a cheque? *Groan* I know, its an old joke.
