Friday 13 April 2012

The week after the first

Our computer crashed so this weeks blog is really last week. We converted from a Tosheba lap top to a Mini mac so we are having to experience a new learning curve.

                                                              FLOWER OF THE WEEK

Between meetings on Sat. we walked around the Stake center and saw this dandelion. It looked so bright and cheery and reminded me of home. It was a delight to see it. Surprizing what a change of surroundings will do to attitude about some things. At home I tried to kill the little yellow things, here I admire them.

This is our 15 sheep powered lawnmower. It is very efficient, self propelled, produces its own gas, automatic lawn fertilizing and can be used as a riding lawn mower if you are so inclined. In fact it is so efficient you can see there's not much lawn left. By going to their pen they provided us with manure for our flower beds.

In the MTC all missionaries are given a piece of elastic 4 inches wide and about three feet long to be used for exercising. The Elders have made good use of it by devising a large flipper crotch. Its about the only thing that will cause the lawn mowers not to work. It has used anything from rocks to old potatoes for fuel.
 Our main focus the last few weeks has been gardening. About half the gardens are roto tilled  so we have some to go. Some gardens we sink in the sand and some are hard white clay. We take the tiller out to the garden and show them how to use it. Today was cold and windy so we are happy to be in for the evening. We did have a few good teaching moments this week which always makes our day.
Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert


  1. So what is the plant beside the dandelion? It has a leaf like an Oregon Grape. Sort of looks like Holly.

  2. mervin and brenda have both been asking me how you are doing. i will let them know that a danilion was not only a welcomed sight but an exciting one. does that sum up how you are doing:)we miss you being home too!
