Sunday 22 April 2012

Weather or not wait 5 minutes

Last week was interesting weather wise. The three lower pictures(the other is taken out the front door) are taken out our back door a few days apart. One clear beautiful day, then a dust storm, then a snow storm. We do have variety in our life.

                      Our kids came to see us from Canada which was very exciting for us

                        At the top of Canyon de Chilly. Our son Rae, Josh, Ashtyn, Ciana, Kyler

                                                           Hiking down into the Canyon

                                   At the bottom with the White House ruins in the background

The kids spent the day looking for lizards and found lots of them. This little guy they found after we got back to our trailer

                                                             FLOWER OF THE WEEK
We saw these pretty flowers on our trek. They are a type of primrose but I'm not sure of the name.

                                                                 This Week in Review
Every Tuesday we teach Addiction Recovery classes here at the church. So far all the students attend because they have a choice, attend the class or go to jail. We wondered just how effective the classes would be under these circumstances but we have had some interesting experiences. Two of our students have been coming for 10 weeks (our classes last 12 weeks). They are older and we have grown quite fond of them. This week Elder Lybbert jokingly suggested to Henry that he say the opening prayer. He said something in Navajo to Perry and he said he wanted to say the prayer in his own language. Elder Lybbert told him that would be great. He prayed for quite awhile. We couldn't understand him but could tell it was heart felt. At the end of the class Elder Lybbert said that since Henry had said the opening prayer he would say the closing. Henry does't understand English very well and so he said the closing prayer too. As they were leaving they shook our hands and Perry thanked us for helping his people and said when he leaves our class he feels like he is walking on air. We will miss them when they are finished. Its strange how life can change. We sit with these people and talk about their life and being in and out of jail and their life style and we feel quite comfortable with them. So far non of our clients have been members of our church but as part of the class we do encourage them to attend a church of their choice, pray daily and read scriptures daily.
Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert


  1. Canyons, ruins, and lizards, it just doesn't get any better than that.

  2. jealous. i wish i were there seeing you! it looks like you had a great time!
