Saturday 12 January 2013

Sand Paintings

A few months ago we were visiting with a family and the husband, JR or the Sandman, took us out to his workshop to show us his sand paintings. He had done some beautiful work but needed the moulding to make the frames. We were going to the city so offered to buy some for him in exchange for some paintings.

                                A Navajo Sand Painting of a "SUN" traditional (The Beauty Way)
Sand painting was originally done as part of the ceremony for healing and not for art.  Healing was done through ritualism, prayer, ceremonies and herbology.  During the ceremony in which the painting is done the Earth People and Holy People come into harmony with each other restoring balance and beauty in the person that is ill.

These paintings are made from sand that JR gathers from the area except for yellow and blue which he bought. The black is coal from the area. The native people are very gifted in many forms of art, so for the next several blogs we plan to show you some of the art work we have collected.

This week has been filled with all the little things that make each day special:
Since Bro. Stowells showed us how to use magic jack on the iPad so we were able to phone family free of charge especially my Mom who has been ill.
Hearing Terrel, who is nine, give a beautiful prayer when we met with him and his family and read from the New Testament stories for children. (We completed the Book of Mormon Stories before Christmas.)
Visiting with Alice and listening to her struggles and sharing some scriptures with her and her faith in prayer.
Grateful for the little acts of service we were able to give our friends here like taking Vicky and Edison to pick up coal that was being given out at the chapter house, taking mail and water to Gloria, giving a young man a Book of Mormon because he wanted to learn about Moroni  etc. etc.
Meeting a new couple that has moved into our branch from Missouri and sharing a birthday dinner with them.
All the kind letters and messages that have come wishing me a Happy Birthday.

We Love You All,
Elder and Sister Lybbert

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