Saturday 8 December 2012

Home Improvements

This is our latest addition to our trailer. We went to Flagstaff this week since we had several things that needed doing. On the way we stopped at Winslow to get my tooth fixed which was successful. The dentist was LDS and charged half of what it would have been since we were missionaries.  Notice the  TV screen. Last month we invested in a new TV so we could play our DVD's and then the remote didn't work so we took it back and were more successful this time. This is our Christmas present for this year.
Notice our tree is up. It was in the closet here and we bought a few decorations for it so it makes our little home here feel a little like Christmas.
The mission brought us some new furniture a few months ago so this is a lazy boy lying in his Lazy Boy.  Elder Lybbert has enjoyed having a place to go when bed gets too uncomfortable. The plant is a Pony Tail Palm that Elder Orme brought us several months back because it was looking pretty sad.  Its doing great now and its nice to see a little green.

Remember in the spring our screen door blew away. Well, it has finally been replaced with this steel security door. It does have a heavy screen, a good lock and it would be much more difficult for someone to break in.  It would only take a good kick to break the regular door so we feel much more secure now when we have to be gone and even when we are home.  Things here have a habit of walking away if they are not secured very well.
A lady in our branch has a daughter and grandchildren in Winslow and she has no transportation so we offered to take her to Winslow and pick her up on the way back. She entertained us with Coyote stories. When she was growing up her parents would tell the children stories about the coyote and each story taught the children something. She told us about the coyote and the horny toad. The coyote is  the bad guy that is greedy and lazy and doesn't plant any corn. The horny toad plants corn and works hard but still shared with the coyote when harvest came but the coyote ate him anyway so in the end the horny toad cut his heart out with his spines and the coyote dies. Thats a very shortened version. We have had several of the older people say that their parents were always teaching them and the younger people don't teach their children.
We have had a busy week this week with all our travelling and keeping up with things here but all has gone well. I am just finishing a batch of cookies for our cookie monsters tomorrow and then we go to take Eloise to catch her ride to work.
Love to all,
Elder and Sister Lybbert

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